Psychoanalyzing Ambivalence with Carol Owens and Stephanie Swales

Click here to watch on New School Livestream

Schreber Live! Patrick Scanlon “Granted – From Glory to Grandeur”

This expanded cinema piece explores the materiality of light in the shadow of Schreber’s Memoirs. Additionally, the character of Judge Schreber is represented in costume, encouraging spectators to play with the film itself, refracting and reflecting the projector’s rays of light. Costume by Bekah Carey, a costume designer/wig maker for Eastman School of Music and Geva Theater in Rochester, working in New York City. Photos by Kyle Corea, a filmmaker who works with video, 16mm, and Super 8mm in New York City. Click here to read performance text

Schreber Live! Felix Bernstein, Patricia Gherovici, Gabe Rubin, and Jamieson Webster “The Trans-migration of the Body of Schreber into a Woman”

A planned interruption of the body of Schreber as it trans-migrates into the body. Click here to read the performance text

Schreber Live! Michael Eigen “I want to be a Woman – Caesura, Blackout, Rebirth”

Michael Eigen (born 1936) is an American psychoanalyst and writer, perhaps best known for his willingness to allow for the role of mysticism in the therapeutic process.      

Schreber Live! Julie Fotheringham “Fleeting – Improvised WO/MAN”

This dance performance comprises “fleeting – improvised – movement” that spontaneously arises as if in response to “nerve contact” with fellow humans or the divine rays of God. These brief improvisations will embody Schreber’s words that suggest movement, such as “voluptuousness” and “nerve vibrations”. They will express the agitated nature of “madness” while maintaining an internally coherent form as in “the order of the world.”

Schreber Live! Luce DeLire “Milk that Goat – Freud, Kant, Schreber”

Milk that Goat – An Essay Film by Luce deLire The project: In a curious passage of his analysis of the memoir of the psychotic Daniel Paul Schreber, Sigmund Freud quotes Immanuel Kant as follows: “In Schreber’s system the two principal elements of his delusions (his transformation into a woman and his favoured relation to God) are linked in his assumption of a feminine attitude towards God. It will be an unavoidable part of our task to show that there is an essential genetic relation between these two elements. Otherwise our attempts at elucidating Schreber’s delusions will leave us in the absurd position described in Kant’s famous simile in the Critique of Pure Reason—we shall be like a man holding a sieve under a he-goat while some one else milks it.“ Freud, CW XII, p.3...Read More

Mass Psychology in the Age of Trumpism: Chiara Bottici, Judith Butler, Jamieson Webster

This event was part of the Philosophy Colloquium and of the “Fascism: Old and New” initiative in Public Seminar. Click here for more info on the Public Seminar initiative   Summary by Evan Malater: 1) Jamieson Webster: On The Taboo on Virginity When faced with certifiable big questions, the tendency is to reach for canonical or authoritatively supercharged theory. Jamieson does an end run around the hoary paralysis of major theory by mixing the inevitable discussion of Group Psychology with a minor, infrequently cited Freud paper called The Taboo on Virginity. It is a deft move on her part because this paper has some equally daft and brilliant reflections on the sexual bond in group psychology. By contrast, Group Psychology is often emphasizing the way groups contain sexua...Read More

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