March 2013
UnBadiou: A Seminar on Alain Badiou with Jamieson Webster and Evan Malater – Part I – The Event and Unbehagen
"To be faithful to an event is to move within the situation that this event has supplemented, by thinking (although all thought is a practice, a putting to the test) the situation ‘according to’ the event. And this, of course – since the event was excluded by all the regular laws of the situation – compels the subject to invent a new way of being and acting in the situation.” Badiou, Ethics, p. 41 “Essentially, a truth is the material…
Find out more »Karen Proner: KLEINIAN DEVELOPMENTS
Karen Proner is an adult and child analyst who was trained in England,. She is presently living in New York and is a member of the NYFS and a faculty member of IPTAR. She is a training supervisor for the Child Analysis Training at the Freudian Society, and the Child Psychotherapy Training at IPTAR. She is a faculty member at the Centro Studi Martha Harris in Florence, Italy. She has been an editor of the International Journal of Infant Observation…
Find out more »February 2013
Anni Bergman was born in Vienna and immigrated to the United States in 1939. She graduated with a degree in music from the University of California and eventually settled in New York City with her husband, writer and publisher Peter Bergman, with whom she had two sons. While in California she met the psychoanalyst Christine Olden, who became a close friend and important influence. In 1959 Dr. Bergman began to work with Margaret Mahler on the observational study of the…
Find out more »January 2013
Dr David Bell is President of The Brisish Psychoanalytic Society. He is a Consultant Psychiatrist in the Adult Department at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust where is Director of Postgraduate Training and leads a specialist service (the Fitzjohn’s Unit) for the more complex cases. He lectures and publishes widely on various subjects including the historical development of psychoanalytic concepts (Freud, Klein and Bion) and the psychoanalytic understanding of severe disorder . For his entire professional career he has deeply involved himself…
Find out more »December 2012
Claude-Noële Pickmann: The Hysteric or the Borderline
Case presentation by Olga Poznansky
Find out more »November 2012
Otto Kernberg: The Suicide of Psychoanalytic Institutes
Otto Kernberg, meets Das Unbehagen to discuss a shared discontent with psychoanalytic training. Kernberg will share his critique of the analytic training system along with his ideas of an alternate training system that would avoid the worst aspects of the institute model. According to Kernberg, institutes and their training systems combine aspects of two historical modes of knowledge transmission: 1) a guild or apprenticeship model and 2) a religious cult. Psychoanalytic institutes combine aspects of both ancient models. Key to…
Find out more »October 2012
Alan Vanier: The Object in Psychosis
Alain Vanier is a Psychoanalyst, Member and Past President, Espace Analytique, Paris. Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Universite de Paris VII-Denis Diderot, where he heads the Centre de Recherches Psychoanalyse et Medecine C.R.P.M.). Author: Lacan; Lexico de Psicoanalisis, and numerous articles on psychoanalysis and culture. Case presentation by Rachel Gorman
Find out more »April 2012
Conference: The Art of Madness
The Art of Madness A Study Weekend in New York Friday to Sunday, April 27-29, 2012 Fordham University Lacan famously said that “le fou est l’homme libre” (“the madman is the free man”) and that there is a “pathologie de la liberté” (“a pathology of freedom”). How should we understand these words in the current cultural climate of constant surveillance? Does creativity exist as a realm of freedom outside of such social constraints? If so, how is it related to…
Find out more »January 2012
Das Unbehagen Opening Letter
The original ‘Unbehagen’ that led us to call this meeting stemmed from our experience of training at The New York Psychoanalytic, and getting involved in the politics of the American Psychoanalytic Association, and the International Psychoanalytic Association. These experiences produced a schism between our will to progress through the training to become credentialed psychoanalysts and the pleasure of psychoanalysis, the latter diminishing in the face of the training experience. As our discontent increased, we began speaking to many people from…
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