Simon Critchley: Infinitely Demanding: Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance

Following Jamieson Webster and Evan Malater’s series of two seminars on Alain Badiou, Simon Critchley will speak about his 2007 book “Infinitely Demanding: Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance”, in particular the ethical stakes of commitment to an infinite demand which can be linked to the conditions under which an oppositional egalitarian politics might take shape. Critchley writes: “It is at this intensely situational, indeed local level that the atomising, expropriating force of neo-liberal globalisation is to be met, contested and resisted. That is, resistance begins by occupying and controlling the terrain upon which one stands, where one lives, works, acts and thinks. This needn’t involve millions of people. It needn’t even involve thousands. It could involve just...Read More

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