Esther Sperber: The Shadow Of Zaha Hadid – Lilith Magazine

“…But alongside my admiration, and slight envy of Zaha Hadid, I hear a small ugly voice whispering in my head. This voice says, “she was too big for life and so she died.” It is true, I admit, that she defied so many social norms, being ambitious, creative and successful, and choosing not to marry or have children. This, the ‎Trump-like-misogynist voice in my head says, was too much; the universe could not maintain this kind of female presence. I hate this voice and can’t believe it resides within me. How is it possible that after years of thinking, lecturing and writing about women in architecture, questioning the current gender roles, a voice like this still persist and haunts me from within my own mind?” Click here to read more

What is (Das) Unbehagen?!

(Das) Unbehagen is a collective for those who love psychoanalysis including clinicians, academics, artists and intellectuals. It is an association formed for the investigation of psychoanalysis free from the constraints of theoretical allegiance, institutes and other authorizing bodies, including local and national organizations.


Professor Elissa Marder (Emory University) – Dream and the Guillotine: Femininity, Photography and Other Scenes of Fixation What is the relation between the singular unreality of the world of a dream and the guillotine, that exemplary enlightenment machine that transformed the legal administration of capital punishment into a public spectacle of the moment of death? I read these two seemingly opposed and unconnected figures through each other in order to explore how Freud’s descriptions of the formal qualities of the dream-work enter into—and complicate—our understanding of how events and actions become visible and readable in the so-called real world. The dream and the guillotine communicate with one another because they both stage scenes of a very particular kind. The question of female ...Read More

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